Replica of Wedding Gown Kate Middleton Marketed to the U.S

Not only in China, is now a replica of the royal wedding dress Kate Middleton will also be ready for sale in the United States. Especially, after seeing the height of the women who want to have the experience of being a "daughter last night. " The plan, dress replica of The Duchess of Cambridge that will be sold later this year.

Replica of Wedding Gown Kate Middleton

As reported by, recently, a team of renowned tailor IS Collections admitted that he had studied every detail of dress of the bride's full name Catherine Elizabeth was wearing when dipersunting Prince William at Wesminster Abbey, London, England, on Friday last week. They worked tirelessly for a week to prepare all the materials and details of her dress.

Replica designer dress that Sarah Burton will go on sale next September and can be ordered through the site Not only Kate's dress, dress her sister Pippa also succeeded in drawing attention turned out to women around the world. Pippa dress was also to be sold by Dillards store at a price of U.S. $ 220.