Cameron Reilly - Curse - Kate Middleton on Facebook

Do not know what's in the minds of British soldiers on this one. Instead of preparing to secure marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton, he even cursed Kate Middleton on facebook. These soldiers also fired.

As member of Elite Scots Guard, Cameron Reilly (18) also was relieved of his duty to escort the marriage William and Kate on 29 April. writes on Monday (4/25/2011).

"Her and William drove past me on Friday and all I got was a s***** wave while she looked the opposite way from me, stupid, stuck up cow," Reilly posted, the British newspaper said. "Am I not good enough for them! Posh b----. Who really gives a f*** about her?" Reilly wrote in a facebook account.

Elite Scots Guard related claims will examine Reilly state that raises controversial polemic. After the guard at the Tower of London.
"From the window, I saw a group of Jews were gathered outside the Tower of London. I've never seen so many rabbis in my life," wrote the soldier.

The plan, heir to the British throne Prince William will marry Kate Middleton on April 29, 2011. It would be a British national holiday.