Disasters of the Past - Jakarta Earthquake Prone

Jakarta - Indonesia, For eight months, Disaster Study Team Katastropika Ancient trying to find and examine the facts and data disaster in the modern age or antiquity is catastrophic or eliminate the effects of civilization. As occurred in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, 26 December 2004, is megatsunami which destroyed most of civilization in the Land Rencong. Similarly Liputan6.com release received on Sunday (24 / 4), the Supreme Vishnu Prasetya, the assistant to the Special Staff Study Team Ancient catastrophic disaster.

Based on the research team Katastropika Ancient Disaster Studies, was in Aceh identified then there Beuna Ie Village. That is, large waves rolling. It will also mean there was the tsunami in Aceh. In fact, a team of Indonesian Institute of Sciences or LIPI find ancient buildings in the sea of ​​Aceh. And through geological excavations proved the past 1,400 years never happened mega-tsunami.

Simeulue residents know smong or the tsunami in 1907, so little time by the 2004 tsunami victims. Community shocked Yogyakarta earthquake in 2006 which caused damage and casualties. Whereas 1835 had a larger earthquake. Here shows how weak memories of Indonesian society to disasters. In fact, an earthquake or volcano could be condemned to repeat: The Past is the Key of Future.

To note in 1814, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (Governor General of British Colonial Java, 1811-1816), found a catastrophic disaster evidence of ancient volcanic eruption in the bush, the Borobudur Temple. Historical data shows ever Merapi eruption in 1000 the surrounding era. It is conceivable, that buried civilization. Not to mention if you look at climate change caused by the eruption of Toba in Sumatra, 75 thousand years ago.

What about monitoring results Jakarta global positioning system (GPS) and measurement of deformation and juxtaposed with historical data, as well as surprising results. There is a potential 8.5 on the Richter scale in the Sunda Strait. It also repeated 1906, 1856, 1833, and 1699, and minor earthquakes are felt to Jakarta.

Based on this, the team tried to get the authentic evidence of sedimentation or other data immediately launched an intensive research on finding Temple of Life in Bekasi, West Java.

"We are pleased to findings of civilization, but also to be found why and when the temple was buried. Because of the distance to Jakarta is not too far away. Do a closed because the volcano or a mega-tsunami. We welcome the steps Foke (Governor), which immediately makes the map microzonation and building codes. Because this map quake recommendation nine teams that saw an increase of 0.3 g on bedrock. Just as Aceh, West Sumatra, Bengkulu, Banten, West Java, East Java, Central Java and Yogyakarta. We strive for scientific reduce disaster risk find quake purbanya. What happened in Japan a lesson together. The community must work together to help the Government, BNPB, BMKG and others, no need to panic, "explained Supreme Vishnu.

Related Sunda Strait bridge construction plan, this finding is very important that the bridge be prepared to withstand earthquakes above the magnitude of that potential. That way, development must continue the road.

In the event a catastrophic eruption of Toba, expected mass extinction of the population living around the world, including humans. Only a fraction is to survive. Nevertheless, there is no sufficient data to know exactly what happened to human civilization before and after the Toba eruption.

Science just know that at least since approximately 90000-100000 years ago, Earth was inhabited by intelligent beings and know God. And until now scientists worldwide believe that until about 10,000 years ago humans still living in the stone age, aka live in nature, in the forests and caves like an animal.

As for another catastrophic volcanic eruption is an ancient eruption of Mount Krakatoa. Notes about the eruption of Krakatoa which was taken from an ancient text entitled Library Old Javanese King Parwa which is estimated to come from in 416 AD.

It contained among others, stated: "There is a booming thunder came from Mount Batuwara (Krakatoa). There is also a frightening shock earth, total darkness, thunder and lightning. Then came the wind and rain storms are terrible and the whole storm darkens the whole world. A flood is coming from the Mount Batuwara and flow east toward Mount Kamula ... When the water drowning, Java separate into two, creating an island of Sumatra. "