Renewable energy sources have a period because the sun does not always illuminate a location the whole time, and wind does not always blow. However, electricity is still needed at the time of no sun or wind.
To address that problem, Highview Power Storage develop a way to save energy dihasilan by wind and sunlight can be used as a backup for the second time these natural elements are not available.
Cryo System of Energy-owned company that uses excess electricity to power the air conditioning machine. The machine will reduce the air temperature to -196 degrees Celsius so that the air becomes liquid. The liquid was collected in a tank insulated with low pressure.
When electricity demand is high, liquid air was removed to a place that its temperature slightly warmer than -196 degrees Celsius so that turned into gas, which is used to drive turbines that generate electricity.
This system is only able to produce an efficiency of, meaning that the electricity generated only 50% compared to the electricity used for cooling systems. Efficiency increased to 70% when warm air is used. According to the Highview Power Storage, efficiency can be further increased if the system is installed in facilities that have heat dissipation.
Other systems that can be used to store energy using water. Excess electricity is used for water pumps to shelter a high position. When electricity is needed, the water flowed down through the dam and turn turbines. "Water pumping is more expensive and not seportabel CryoEnergy system," explained an article in the magazine Gizmag.
Another way to save energy is with the battery. But, the cost of storage it is U.S. $ 4.000 per kilowatt. CryoEnergy only cost U.S. $ 1,000 per kilowatt.
CryoEnergy project currently running in Scotland for 9 months. Highview plans to build commercial-scale system with a capacity of 3.5 MW. In 2014 they plan to make the 8 MW to 10 MW.