Researchers from Syracuse University, Professor Stephanie Ortigue, found there were 12 areas of the brain are working when someone falls in love. The twelve areas that produce chemicals, such as dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline, and vasopression, resulting in euphoria. Her love also affects the function of psychology, metaphors, and physical assessment.
So, the love that comes from the heart or brain? "The question is always difficult to answer. I think it came from the brain," said Ortigue. "For example, a process in our brain can stimulate the heart. Some of the feelings in our hearts is actually a symptom of a process that occurs in the brain."

Another study found that increasing the amount of blood in grower factor for nerve plays an important role in how people socialize. This presents a phenomenon called the "love at first sight. " This is confirmed by the findings Ortigue which mentions that love can be present in the fifth of a second.
Ortigue explained by understanding how people fall in love and breakup, researchers can develop new therapies. "We can understand the breakup of disease," said Ortigue.
Ortigue study also found that there are parts of the brain that is different for different types of love. Unconditional love, such love of a mother to her child, the brain activity triggered by the public and in different places, including the midbrain. The passionate love between lovers engage cognitive areas, the expectation of reward, and physical assessment.